2 ways that your satin cap can be worn.
Rocking a protective cap can be tricky, here are 2 ways you can rock your night cap.
Let’s be real, the traditional satin bonnet is outdated and can leave you looking silly once you put it on. Now there’s a satin cap that will be your right hand man day and night. When you’re prepping for bed, just place the cap over your head and your night will be full of protection. On the unusual days where you’re actually not running late, you can pull your cap back a bit to show your hairline and nobody would guess you’re wearing a protective cap.

If you are all set for bed, place the Slap over all of your hair (edges included) and prepare for a restful night of protection.
On the rare occasion that you’re not running late and you actually have time to lounge around the house (or maybe run errands), pull the slap back just enough to show some of your baby hair and the cap will keep you looking stylish.
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