Hair Moisture Tip #1 - Coconut Oil


COCONUT! Although oils are not moisturizers in themselves, they are amazing ways to maintain moisture that your hair already produces or that water gives you.

Due to its sealant properties not it’s moisturizing properties, we give you Coconut Oil. Yay!

*Applaud ensues*


Anyway… Here's how we use it:

  1. Run water over your hands like you are washing them, then apply your wet hands to you’re your hair. This gets your hair wet, but not soaking.
  1. Get 2-3 tablespoons, depending on the length of your hair, and apply to your hair tips to root. Make sure you really get the tips or the ends of your hair to reduce frizz and split ends.
  1. Wash and dry hands. Then run your hands through your hair to make sure the oil doesn’t rub off. If it does, take a towel and dab your hair to get rid of any excess oil.
  1. Put on Slap and go to sleep, or leave in during the day. Either way it’s allll good!
  1. Tell us how your experience goes in the comments below!

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