Grace Eleyae and Whoopi Goldberg give woman the surprise of a lifetime.

Whoopi Goldberg invited Grace Eleyae and other entrepreneurs to surprise a community leader with a total of $70,000 for her after-school program on ABC's The View. See below for the full video.
Letitia Conliffe had a rocky relationship with her mother growing up in a small town known as Sulphur Springs, Texas. Constantly being told that she'd never amount to anything, Letitia decided to run away from home, started skipping school and turned to drugs. This lifestyle quickly led to Letitia getting pregnant.
After losing a friend to drugs, Letitia, a homeless single mother, decided to use her second chance to follow her life calling and be the blessing she felt her community needed. She decided to serve the kids in Sulphur Springs growing up with the same issues she faced as a child.
Letitia started an after-school program called Lil 4's Kids Club where the kids in Sulphur Springs affected by drugs, teen pregnancy, domestic violence and other hardships can go for a hot meal and a safe place to sleep.
As the good news of Lil 4's spread, more and more kids came to Letitia for help. Even with such limited space and resources, Letitia continued to help as many kids as possible.
Using her life savings to keep the doors of Lil 4's open, Letitia managed to feed up to 50 kids daily with just a skillet and a crockpot.
With bills piling up, Letitia found herself struggling to keep Lil 4's running the way that she had always dreamed of, so she started a GoFundMe campaign.
One night, Whoopi Goldberg heard Letitia’s story and it shook her from her sleep. From there, Whoopi Goldberg gathered an arsenal of business owners together to help Letitia. Grace Eleyae and a half a dozen other companies were able to bless Letitia with a total of $70,000 cash, clothes, appliances and so much more. Watch how this nation-wide community came together to make Letitia’s dream of expanding Lil 4’s club a reality.
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Posted in
Family Life, Inspiration
Such a touching story. Latitia is a such an Angel. Grace is as well!
I am in tears, what a beautiful story. Thank you Grace. I will be purchasing more products from your company. I appreciate your generosity.
Oh my gosh that is so wonderful! Sitting here crying my eyes out with tears of joy and happiness for Latitia and the Lil 4’s Club. She is a blessing and she so deserved to be Blessed! Great job Whoppi and Crew!
I LOVE this story!
What a beautiful story. I have 3 SLAPS and a headband. I already planned to buy more hats. Grace’s generosity confirms my belief that I’m supporting the right company! Thank you Grace, for setting a wonderful example of giving back.