How Curly Girls Pick a Hat to Wear
Getting hats over them natural curls can be hard! Allow us to assist you with your selection.
Just when you think you find the perfect hat to rock when you want to spice things up, you realize that either your curls don’t fit, you look ridiculous, or it’s made of fabric that damages your hair.

Sitting on top of your curls, not sure that’s how the hat is meant to look … NEXT!
Okay, a cute sun hat, still not sure the curls fit in … NEXT!

This fedora is an example of the hats that look nice at the store until you actually put it on … NEXT!
Finally a beanie! The curls fit, but that poof ball is quiostanable. Still cute for the winter. Wait a minute, cotton on the inside? No thanks, you don’t need friction and breakage which will lead to dry hair … NEXT!

Perfect! The Satin-Lined Cap is functional yet fashionable, and best of all, it won’t rob your hair of the natural oils you need.
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